HOMECOMING! ***Under The Stars***

The Alcott College Prep High School Homecoming Dance is scheduled for 6:00 – 10:00pm on Friday, October 13, 2023 on the picturesque patio of the Humboldt Park Boathouse, located at 1301 N. Humboldt Boulevard. The theme chosen by our students this year is “Under the Stars and Moon.”
We are all excited to host this event, as always, and please note that the cost for tickets is $15 per student. Tickets go on sale Monday, September 25 during lunches. Also note that to purchase a ticket we are requiring:
1) All student fees must be paid down to under $100
2) And you must have completed your registration packet

Regarding dress code and additional safety measures, please remember that this is a school function and students should dress warmly and appropriately and follow these stipulations:
● Dress to impress! Please wear classy and comfortable clothing. Hopefully you will be on the dance floor
most of the evening and we want you to be comfortable.
● No revealing clothing; dresses and skirts need to be fingertip length, not extremely short, and no exposed undergarments from pants that are not secured at the waist.
● No explicit logos or clothing that displays contraband, hateful slogans, or sexual content will be permitted, and ball caps will be allowed.
● All bags and students will be searched before entering.
● No guests over age 18 will be permitted to attend. Guest forms are required and must be submitted by
Tuesday, October 10, 2023 (Guests must also pay full ticket price.)
● Any behavior issues will be addressed per the School Code of Conduct.

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